Wednesday 6 February 2008

there are naked ladies in my garden

did that get your attention? dont panic. its a type of flower. a lily. and there are at least three there now. im not sure how viable the other bulbs are - theyve been growing in the garden for some 15+ years. if theyre still good, i should have at least 10 by the time they all shoot.

this world that God has created for us never ceases to amaze me. today is wednesday. this years first naked ladies look like this:

on sunday, they looked about like this:

in three days they have gone from barely poking out, to nearly fully opened.

people often ask how we - all us crazy religious people - can believe in God. look at those photos again. how can you not?

does it really make more sense to believe that the entire universe came into existance through the spontaneous combustion of nothing, without the interference of a higher being? of God?

does it really make sense that our world, this earth we live on, is the exact right distance from the sun, at the exact right angle, and spinning at the exact right speed, for life to exist? and as far as we know, no other planet is?

for that matter, does the existence of life really make sense? if the universe came from nothing, how did all the rocks and gases that form all the planets and starts happen? and ignoring that, how did life form out of all that inanimate rock and gas?

next time you eat an apple, look inside. inside that teeny brown seed is everything needed to grow an entire tree. and of course, it makes absolute sense that it happened by pure random chance.

how can i believe in God? a God who created this universe, set our earth at the right distance from the sun, spinning on an angle at the exact right speed for us to have somewhere to live. a God who has packed everything needed to grow a tree into a tiny brown seed. a God who can make a beautiful bunch of flowers grow from a whithered white bulb in less than a week.

how can i believe in such a God?

easily. how can you not?

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