Saturday 17 January 2009

even more you never needed to know about me

well its taken me over a year to get another 100 posts, so i figure its time to bore everyone with useless information about myself again.

that and i was going to go to bed early but my hips are hurting and the baby is being uncomfortable so i figure i might as well stay in relative comfort (compared to the pain of lying in bed) on the reclining chair for as long as possible.

  1. i learned german at school for 5 years.
  2. ive forgotten most of it.
  3. and yet i still occasionally use german words instead of english.
  4. i always wanted to learn spanish, because my mother speaks it.
  5. i also learned french, indonesian, latin, and mandarin for 8 weeks each - we took each of the 5 languages for 8 weeks, then picked which we wanted to continue with.
  6. i have rather large feet.
  7. my second toe is longer than my big toe.
  8. i have very high arches.
  9. i HATE wearing shoes. my feet are perpetually filthy because i only wear shoes if im 'out'. not outside the house, out as in somewhere else. i dont wear shoes outside unless its high bindii season, and i only wear shoes inside if im too tired to take them off.
  10. i find it incredibly difficult to put on a pair of socks that ive already worn. i can wear worn clothes if necessary, but worn socks make me want to gag.
  11. even if i only wore them for 5 minutes before taking them off, and didnt put shoes on.
  12. i used to learn piano.
  13. i never practiced.
  14. the teacher said i played very well.
  15. i wince when i hear people hit off notes while singing.
  16. except my husband, because im used to it.
  17. i sing very quietly, partly because i CANT sing loud, partly because i dont want to hear myself hitting off notes
  18. i cant stand hearing recordings of my voice - talking or singing. i hate my accent, and dont think it sounds anything like me.
  19. my voice is deeper than it sounds to me.
  20. i am very, very pale. i mentioned this in the last list, but its worth mentioning again.
  21. i can, in fact, get sunburned in the time it takes to hang out one load of wash.
  22. i had a tan once. a recognisable tan that is. i was about 10, and we spent a month on the gold coast. i do actually have a tan at the moment, but you wouldnt believe me unless you saw how dark my arm is compared to my stomach, and you aint seeing my stomach.
  23. speaking of stomachs, ive only developed ONE new stretch mark this time round. WOOOOOOOOO!! possibly this is because ive only gained about 12kg, instead of the 25 i gained last time - lots of which was swelling might i add. but still, WOOOOOOOOOOO!! (even though i started out a lot heavier than i did last time too.. shhhh.)
  24. my skin heals so slowly however that the old ones are still very visible so it doesnt really matter.
  25. at age 13, my hips were bigger than my mother's were in her 30s.
  26. and i was skinny when i was 13.
  27. i am built to carry children - strong legs, strong back, broad hips.
  28. judging from the pain, my body forgot this after critter was born. i didnt have anywhere near this much pain last time round.
  29. i have naturally very loose joints, so the joint-loosening-pregnancy-hormones wreak havoc on me.
  30. after critter was born i couldnt lift anything without my wrists strapped for over a year.
  31. i cant do pushups because my wrists are too weak to support me.
  32. im working on strengthening them.
  33. i did ballet for 11 years.
  34. i had to have 6 months of half hour one-on-one lessons consisting of nothing but ankle strengthening exercises before they would let me go en pointe because my ankles were so weak.
  35. if i sit on the floor with my legs stretched in front of me and straighten them as far as they will go - ie. backs of knees on the floor - my heels are about 3 inches in the air.
  36. my arms bend in a similar way.
  37. i can touch my thumb to my arm.
  38. i can tuck my thumb behind my fingers.
  39. i dont really think its that big a deal, but everyone else thinks its amazing.
  40. i find it difficult to type when my nails are short because i can feel the keys too much.
  41. i hate sensation on my fingertips, so i keep my nails long to protect them from feel.
  42. i had my ear pierced at about 8. i think. id have to get my school photos out to be sure, and i cant be bothered.
  43. i had my other ear pierced at 24.
  44. i think the first one must have hit a nerve, because it made me throw up, and i dont remember it hurting that much.
  45. my husband just sent me a text and made me near jump out of my skin.
  46. i think i dont have the footrest on this chair up high enough.
  47. because i can feel my ankles and toes beginning to swell.
  48. but oddly, not my feet.
  49. good golly my phone is loud!!!!!!
  50. i have never broken a bone.
  51. wait.. i have. my nose.
  52. possibly more than once.
  53. its a little crooked, very sensitive to touch, and sometimes a little hard to breathe through.
  54. if i ever had plastic surgery, it would be to straighten my nose so i didnt have to breathe through my mouth.
  55. my ears are at different heights.
  56. very noticeable when i put glasses on and can see over the rim on the right lens, but not the left.
  57. my eyelashes are long enough that i have to wear glasses far enough down my nose to be uncomfortable because otherwise my eyelashes brush the lenses and it feels creepy.
  58. actually, if i look up, my eyelashes just about touch my eyebrows.
  59. but then my eyebrows are pretty thick, so...
  60. there is a lot of food i wont eat.
  61. some of it is because of flavour, some is texture.
  62. eg. i love the flavour of oranges, and drink orange juice everyday, but cannot eat oranges. the feeling in my mouth makes me gag. also if the juice is pulpy. only in the last year or two have i got to the point where i could eat mashed potatoes.. the feel put me off.
  63. when i was 2, i reached onto the table and pulled my mother's bowl of soup off and spilled all down my front.
  64. the skin bubbled and the hospital put me in gauze wrappings.
  65. i have no visible scarring, but the skin where i was burned is a little less sensitive than elsewhere, and doesnt tan (although as previously mentioned, you'd hardly notice anyway).
  66. i also cant eat soup.
  67. i have had 4 stitches, not related to childbirth. (i dont know how many i had when i tore having the kid. i thought i counted about 30, hubby insists it was only 15. probably somewhere between. i needed three shots of anaesthetic to get them all, i know that.)
  68. one just above my hairline, when i smashed my head on the corner of a windowsill after jumping on my parents bed and falling off at about 18 months old.
  69. 3 on the back of my knee, where a removed mole turned into a HUGE horrible purple scar and was removed, when i was about 6.
  70. i dont go under very easily with general anaesthetic. when i had the scar on my leg removed, i didnt fall asleep until the operation was over, though i didnt feel it.
  71. i get this from my father, who also doesnt zonk. my mother on the other hand doesnt wake up easily. first one in, last one out, and still groggy.
  72. i have tea-stain birthmarks on my legs.
  73. i have freckles on one shin, but not the other.
  74. also my shoulders.
  75. there is a tiny piece of oyster shell or gravel or something in my right foot.
  76. the only pants i wear are pyjamas, and they all have eeyore on them.
  77. i love eeyore. (the spellcheck wants to correct this to eyesore. that makes me giggle.)
  78. i didnt have a boyfriend until i was 16 (rather unusual amongst my friends).
  79. i regret him.
  80. and the next two.
  81. i met my husband a month or so before his 23rd birthday, and we started going out within a couple weeks.
  82. that was nearly 6 years ago.
  83. we moved in together when we'd been going out for 9 months.
  84. a month later i got pregnant.
  85. but we didnt realise (or were too scared to confirm it, take your pick) for 2 months.
  86. positive pregnancy test 5 days before our 1 year anniversary, after a couple weeks of denial.
  87. 4 months later we got married and moved to australia. (BACK to australia for me, since im from here anyway.)
  88. i do not recommend having a wedding (4+ hours drive away from home, with your mother- and brother-in-law in the SMALL CAR as well as yourself and husband, and hence no room to stretch), packing up a home, and moving halfway across the world at 6 months pregnant. the car ride was particularly not fun. MIL is a worrywort, BIL was a surly teenager, i was dead tired and had a baby playing soccer with my bladder, hubby was concentrating on driving and ignoring his mother at the same time, and we were in a ford focus. at least on the plane i could get up and go to the loo whenever i needed. there arent many places to stop and pee on the road from las vegas to lancaster CA.
  89. i also do not recommend high blood pressure during pregnancy. not fun.
  90. i do recommend chocolate.
  91. and glace cherries.
  92. and cheese.
  93. not just while pregnant. these are good foods ALWAYS.
  94. when i was 19 and tired of everything, i grabbed a pair of scissors, and cut my hair till it was about 2 inches long all over.
  95. this is much recommended over other things i could have done with those scissors.
  96. i much prefer having long hair, although it is currently refusing to get much longer than my shoulder blades.
  97. when i was 10 i could nearly sit on my hair.
  98. i cheat with the colour. its naturally a sort of goldish-light-brown-blond colour... every couple months i go to the hairdresser and make it more blond, though for a while there i was making it darker. or trying to.
  99. i dyed it black once. needed 2 packets of dye, left in for an hour before the colour would stick, and it washed out in about 2 weeks. it was supposed to last for ages, but my hair doesnt accept dark very well. even done professionally at the hairdresser it fades to half strength in about 3 washes.
  100. i will never dye my hair black again, because apart from not being worth the trouble, my husband prefers my hair light, and i would do anything to make him happy.

1 reactions:

Anonymous said...

Numbers 12-18 - ME TOO!