Friday 4 December 2009

Fun With Photoshop

Clicky any of the piccies for biggerness

I love Photoshop. I only have elements, not the full version, because MONEY!! and I usually only use it for my own amusement, and basic photo-fixing, but I LOVE IT. I take millions of photos of my kids, and while most of them turn out nice, with photoshop I can make some of them even better.

Like this:

Cute, no? Helps that the subject is pretty adorable. But, cute as it is with those massive eyes, its kinda dark. A few minute with my trusty phtoshop, and it becomes this:

which is so much better. LOOK at those eyes now!!

Or this:

Also better, but decidedly different.

By using different filters, layer effects, or even just changing the colour, I can change the image quite a bit. I can make some interesting 'artsy' effects,

make my little one rather creepy,

or even make the image look old fashioned.

I LOVE Photoshop.

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