Thursday, 8 November 2007


whos in charge of the weather? i want to talk to you RIGHT NOW.

i have some complaints.

well... ONE complaint.

it is november.
it is australia.
in australia, november=nearly summer.
SO WHY IS IT SO COLD IVE BEEN PUTTING HEATERS ON. let alone IT IS SNOWING. um, not where i am. it does not snow here. but it has been snowing in australia. grr.

i am thankful for the rain. our dams need it desperately. australia is dry enough as is, and now in a drought...

but the cold? IT IS NOT JUNE. it is NOVEMBER. i should be trying to figure out how to stay cool without sitting in a bathtub full of cold water. not wondering how many layers i can wear while still being able to it comfortably behind my (actually my mums) sewing machine and finish a skirt which is now SO NOT WARM ENOUGH FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE.

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