Monday 21 July 2008

tired /= fun

im one of those people who needs ridiculously large amounts of sleep in order to function normally. i know all the scientists say we need 8 hours a night. well. thats an average. some people need more, some people need less. sometimes, people might need more one day that another.

me, im in the more category. significantly more.

i can function on 8 hours, if by function you mean "remember to eat, feed the child, use the bathroom, and otherwise sit in a corner all day trying to stay awake" but id really rather not.

generally, i wake up at about 5:30, when hubby gets up to go to work. then i doze until he kisses me goodbye at about 6:15, and i go back to sleep until either my kid or my alarm wakes me up at 7. or, if hes sick, 9ish. so. get up at 7, that means i could stay up till 11pm if i was an 8 hour person. actually, im usually falling asleep by 9:30, and i sometimes have a nap in the afternoon, too. id say i usually get about 9-10 hours of sleep, and sometimes, its not enough.

like now.

apparently, when im pregnant, all my energy goes into growing the baby. and trying to ignore the nausea. ive been sorely neglecting the housework cause i just feel awful all the time, so ive really not been doing much other than sitting and playing with the kid, and im still tired ALL. THE. TIME. ive been trying to convince the boy to have a nap in the afternoons, not necessarily because he needs one, although he usually REALLY REALLY does, but because I need one, and the only time its quiet enough is when hes asleep.

i feel myself falling asleep on the couch in the evenings after we've eaten dinner and we're watching a little bit of TV to unwind before kidlets bath-time. and then i fall asleep AGAIN after his bath in the middle of my favourite shows. i doze at lunch time while i wait for him to eat. i usually get a good nap then, cause it can take him up to an hour to eat a sandwich. i havent even been waking up when hubby gets out of bed in the morning, and am only vaguely aware of him leaving. im awake enough to ask what he'd like for dinner, but its a struggle to remember.

and the prenatal vitamins arent helping either. they make me feel SICK. on the occasional days when i forget to take them, i feel SO much better. so much less nausea. its crazy.

ive just hung out a load of wash, and am waiting for the second to finish so i can hang it out too. and im exhausted. i feel like ive run a a marathon, instead of stood outside for 10 minutes. and itll be worse with the second lot - the first load was all jeans and sweaters, so there wasnt much in it, but this next load is full of socks and underwear and four year old's clothes. ill be out there for ages.

and its still at least 3 hours before i can have a nap.

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