Monday 18 August 2008

14 weeks and counting

i think im past the worst of it. i HOPE im past the worst of it. i seem to remember things calming down a little at about this point with the last one, so....

the baby appears to ahve moved away from my bladder, which is fantastic. SO fantastic. my cough also seems to be clearing up, so im not gagging as often. and im finally able to eat a little bit of sugar again! that has been difficult. the baby hates sugar. HATES it. even the IDEA of a chocolate makes me feel ill.

but that wasnt the worst of it. the worst appears to be over. provided i eat every few hours.

the nausea this time around hasnt been as bad as it was with the critter. i was almost constantly sick with him, on and off for the whole time. i feel fine most of the time now, unless i dont eat. or i eat something sweet. honey is a no-no. chcolate doesnt even bear thinking about. juice must be diluted, but is tolerated because the taste of water makes me feel even more ill.

but the worst... the worst is over. and you really dont want to know about.

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