Saturday 30 June 2007


4:30(ish) kid is yelling/grunting. because his bed is messy. go back to sleep please.
6:45 woken up by hubby, iron shirt please. my eyes dont want to stay open. nose is bad, throat is sore.
7:00 back to bed, online - bus schedule, check email, 'recipes' to help with deodorant/perspiration stains?
7:30 kid wakes up. weetbix for breakfast. none for me. hubby's shirts into bucket w/vinegar-water. SOAK. water to boil for chamomile tea (hair), bicarb (hair), lemon juice (hair. i found a juicerthingy! thone plastic ones with the point and the grate... so much easier than trying to pick out all the pips as i go!)
8:00 shower, wash hair. lemon definately helps. not so dry, not so flat. def. do this again. nose worse
8:30 munchkin clothes? note to self - these drawers need re-organising. badly. where on earth is his bag? 2 biscuits, 1 box sultanas, juice box, water bottle, jumper. nappies, wipes, plastic bag. where are my keys? got my purse.. tissues! pen?
9:00 out the door, bus stop. forgotten tissues. oops
9:45 mortlake. bible study.
11:45 bus stop. -> burwood. *coat? *lunch *shoes? *kid clothes - pants?
1:40 bus stop -> home
2:05 doctor. wait. and wait. and wait. and wait. iron, cholesterol, sugar all good. not pregnant. back in 4 weeks if still no sign period.
3:15 home. more tax packs have arrived. message on machine, leah. ruth -> saturday night?
3:30 online. google - polycystic ovarian syndrome. hmm. would explain a lot.
4:00 dad calls. SATURDAY: be there 11am. lollies provided. no dress code, mini skrts & uber cleavage frowned upon. jeans are fine.
4:20 kid is going crazy. NAP TIME. dont care thats its too late. he needs it.
4:30 silence. at last. eyes feel puffy
4:45 hubby calls. on his way home.
5:15 kid up

dinner: chicken. butter chicken?
read money magazine.
allergy meds?

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