Monday 30 July 2007

so so tired

for some reason, my son decided to wake up at least 6 times last night. hubby and i watched a movie after the critter was in bed (much MUCH later than usual.. the whole day gets messed up time-wise when people come over), and lights were out by 11pm. im not sure of the exact time, but i know it was before 11.

by 12, i had already got up to my son. by 3am, id been up 3 times. when he woke up at around 7 this morning yelling for no aparant reason, i had already been up to him 6 times. possibly more. im not very good at waking up during the night, adn its entirely possible i missed some.

in theory, i had 8 hour of bed-time last night. but i didnt ahve 8 hours of sleep. it took 15-30 min to get back to sleep after each re-settling. my guess would be about 6 hours. 6 hours of frequently interrupted sleep. honestly i would rather have 4 hours straight, than 6 hours interrupted. its just not refreshing. especially since i seem to need a lot of sleep.

some people need more than others. im one who needs more. 8-10 is good. less and im a zombie. i think today im going to end up being very short with my son. hes tired and cranky, IM tired and cranky, and its cold. so so cold. and as well as needing a lot of sleep, i dont function well in the cold. luckily my husband is a giant hot water bottle :)


and i had planned on making cookies today. well, theres enough for one more luch for hubby, i'll make them tomorrow when im less likely to burn them to a cinder, or forget an essesntial ingredient. like flour. those didnt turn out very well.

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