Wednesday 3 October 2007


yesterday, at about 5am, my husband and i were startled awake by yell of I WANT SOME BACON!!!

then there was silence.

i dont know why he wanted bacon at 5am, or why he didnt mention it again after that one yell. maybe he was asleep.

my critter is a very strange little boy.

on a VERY unrelated note, on sunday we went over to dad's to go to some jewish holiday/festival thing with him. i forget what it was called.. sukkot maybe? it involved a $150/each lemon-type-thing and three different leaves, and eating in tents.


it was soooooooooo nice to look around and see that nearly every other woman (and girl) there was wearing a skirt. there were about 3 in jeans, and one in something rather odd... it looked like a skirt... until you noticed the hem was sewn together except for a hole for each leg to go through. not coulottes, there was no separate leg pieces at all, just a skirt sewn together at the hem, like a bag, with a hole for each leg. interesting. but anyway.. it was just so nice not to feel wierd for being the only one in a skirt that actuall reached past my knees. my sister wears skirts, but they're tightish, not quite knee length, and one actually has a rather high split. i usually feel very wierd when i go out and im the only one in a long-ish skirt.

well.. i wouldnt call them long exactly. theyre mostly just past my knees. but when the norm is just a glorified belt, it looks long.

on the subject of skirts, i noticed something interesting the other day. my newest skirt, the brown-cord one, is longer than the rest. mid-calf. and sometimes i have to hold it up a bit to climb steps, if theyre very steep. something peculiar i noticed, is that even though i dont lift it as high as my other skirts fall to naturally, it FEELS shorter when its lifted, and i feel like its too short. isnt that strange? i noticed that in my formal dress years ago as well. a long skirt lifted a couple inches feels shorter than a skirt that only comes to the knees.

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