Monday 15 October 2007

my least favourite jobs

i love being able to stay at home with my son, cooking, cleaning, playing, teaching, being a good wife and mother. my husband goes out every day and works hard so that it is possible for me to stay home. and i love it. this is my job.

but, like every job, there are some parts i like more than others.

i love cooking. i love being able to take a bunch of stuff, heat it for a while, and produce a meal that makes my mother say 'mmm. this is delicious.' high praise, coming from the woman whose food everyone i know raves about. not to mention, theres something rather calming about kneading bread.... ahem.

i love time spent with my son. he's not the most co-ordinated little booger on earth, and has just recently discovered he can actually draw a CIRCLE instead of just scribbles. and today, i managed to get him to consistently copy an uppercase-A on his blackboard. joy of joys! he also figured out how the peddles on his bicycle work last weekend, and has been riding around our house like mad. I LOVE IT!!

i love to sew. im afraid of the sewing machine, and can only hand-sew for about a half hour before i get distracted by something shiny, but i love it none-the-less, and hopefully, if i get this pattern figured out, i'll be able to make myself a whole bunch of clothes so i'm not wearing the same two skirts day in, day out.

i love polishing the furniture. boy that stuff smells good. and the silky feel of the wood after its been done.. wonderful.

i dont mind doing the dishes, provided i can convince the taps to sit at 'warm' instead of 'FAR OUT THATS HOT!!' or 'thats far too cold to get anything clean'.

i dont mind sweeping the floors. sometimes its fun, sometimes its a little boring, but it doesnt really bother me. vacuuming makes me sneeze, so its left to the husband, who doesnt mind it at all.

i dont mind doing the laundry, as long as there arent too many socks. i love the smell of freshly sun-dried clothes, and i love the feel of crisp, clean sheets. putting landry away is equally a non-event.

i DO NOT LIKE hanging out socks. i dont know why, but they annoy me no end. a whole machine of toddler sized underpants? no problem! nothing but dust cloths? fine! 6 pairs of socks? somebody stop me pulling out all my hair.

i DO NOT LIKE washing the roasting pan. even if its only a teensy bit dirty. it makes me twitchy.

i DO NOT LIKE greasing and flouring the muffin tray. cake tins are fine, pizza-pans are fine. muffin trays are not. unfortunately, its the only way to get decent muffins.

but i do all these things, whether i love them or not, because i love my family, and i love my God. and although it doesnt always happen, i try to do them joyfully, for the same reason.

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