Tuesday, 21 August 2007

a little hilarity in an afternoon of frustration

somebody recently took my sweet, snuggly, giggly boy, and replaced him with a clingy, whiny, stompy replica. he isnt sleeping, he's throwing tantrums, he disobeys nearly everything, and theres a lot of yelling. i think having daddy home all the time is confusing him.

last night was particularly bad - i think i got about 4 hours sleep, and hubby got up to him twice - and this afternoon was a nightmare. he was horrid, i was tired, hubby was in a bad mood.... but in the midst of all this, a little bright spot of hilarity broke though.

he was set to put away his toys, while hubby cooked the taco meat, and i tidied up the rest of the house. as i came back through from the other end of the house, he was walking around with a hard hat on his feet. (distraction is a MAJOR problem.)

"i asked you to put that away, not wear it as a shoe."

and i heard a snort from the other room.

sometimes the simplest things bring joy.

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