Friday 14 September 2007

fearful noises

as a parent, one of the most terrifying things i have ever heard is silence. sounds odd doesnt it? but really, silence can be scary. there are other scary noises for a parents, but silence is definitely up there.

my critter was a noisy baby. he snuffled. so much that we actually HAD to put him in a different room in order to get any sleep. if he was within about 3 metres of us, we couldnt sleep because all we could hear was snuffling. he was also the kind of baby that wakes up every 2-3 hours regardless of whether he needs feeding or changing. he would wake up, scream for a few minutes, then go back to sleep. wasnt THAT fun.

so back to scary silence.

one morning i woke up feeling oddly refreshed. i lay in bed for a minute, enjoying the peace and quiet. i rolled over, and glanced at the clock. 7am. what a good nights sleep! wait.. a good nights sleep... but my baby wakes me up every couple hours.. why didnt he wake me up during the night? not only that... even if he slept all night, why did i wake up ON MY OWN this morning? oh please Lord dont let there be anything wrong with my baby.. and i ran into his room, heart pounding, not knowing whether to be terrified or not.... to find that my mother had got up to him during the night. gee mum, give me a heart attack why dont you?

what made me think of this was waking up this morning to silence. my family is afflicted with a horrible cough. i seem to be the only one who's lost a voice in return for the cough, thankfully, but my boys are coughing up their lungs just as bad as i am. so when i woke up this morning, and heard NO COUGHING from my sons room.... i panicked again. after all the stuff thats been on the news the past couple of months about this horrible flu thats going round... and that poor woman who woke up to find her son had died from flu during the night...

silence is a very scary sound.

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