Monday 17 September 2007


for some reason, chat potatoes are 69c/kg at the moment, instead of the usual $1.98 or so... and the big potatoes are still well over $2/kg.. so we've been stocking up on chats. they dont taste very different to me, and theres really not much difference using the small once to using the bigger ones. just cut them in half instead of quarters.

theyve been cheap for 2 weeks in a row now, and the price of beans seems to be going down too. $4.99/kg this week, when not too long ago they were closer to, if not over $10/kg. which is good, cause i like green beans.

what i dont understand is how the price can be SO different depending on where you go. harris farm had red delicious apples for nearly $5.oo/kg, whereas they were about $2.50/kg at woolworths. i know that as one of THE supermarkets in aus woollies can get their stuff cheaper, but sometimes its the other way round. its so... odd.

i hope the cheap prices keep up. food is so expensive here.

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