Friday 10 October 2008

a day of up and downs

because so far, theres only been one up.

down: waking up at 3:30am because i need to pee, and finding the critter is coughing so hard he was almost gagging.

down: turning on the light in the kitchen to get medicine for the kid and BEING BLINDED.

down: tripping over EVERYTHING in the bedroom on the way back to bed because I WAS BLINDED.

down: not getting back to sleep til 5:30 (lying in bed for two hours trying to sleep? NOT FUN), at which time hubby's alarm goes off and wakes me up again.

down: getting up at 7:18am to make breakfast for critter/lunch for hubby and finding there is a headache the size of australia building in my left eyeball. not behind it, IN IT.

down: critter whinging through the entire half hour it took him to eat two slices of toast, because he wasnt allowed to watch tv.

down: ditto his milk.

down: "in the night garden".

down: realising my typing skills become even worse with lack of sleep.

down: kid whinging because lunch does NOT happen less than two hours after breakfast, and stomping will get you sent to your room.

down: incessant wailing because the ties that hold a pice of cardboard to the front of his bike have come off. truly, it is the end of the world.

down: the broken toys in the kids room that repeat the same three not-same three not-same three not-same three not-same three notes FOR EVER.

up: 4 year old reads his first word. s-t-o-p. st-o-p. st-op. stop!!!!

down: another wail, from the bathroom because he has somehow managed to drop his toy horse down the toilet. seriously.... why is it in the bathroom?

down: that darn alphabet caterpillar. and his inability not to push the same button 15 times a second. seriously.. cant you let it play to the end before pushing it again? its as bad as the broken toys.

down: yet more wailing because pulling the darn alphabet caterpillar off the table will make it fall on your foot, and that hurts!

down: and yet more wailing when mummy says you should have been paying attention and not pulling things off the table.

and its only 1:30.

2 reactions:

Anonymous said...

Oh, isn't that show maddeningly AWFUL??? Even MY ABC-lovin' kids would rather have their ears cleaned out than watch that show!!!


Sarah said...

critterbug loves it. knows all the names, sings all the songs, knows what happens next because they play the same few episodes over and over and over.. but then hes 4. and at least its better than teletubbies. just.