Tuesday 14 October 2008

im sooooooooooooooooo tired

aaaaaaaaaaand now i have a beatles song in my head as well.

i really am tired of this. SO tired. its driving me crazy. what you ask? TOILET TRAINING. STILL. at 4.

wetting the bed at night is annoying, but i can deal with it. i just have to remember to wake him up sometime after 9:30 to go to the toilet. its wetting his pants during the day that bothers me.

he doesnt do it at preschool. he doesnt do it at grandma's house, or aunty's house. he doesnt do it if we're at the shops. he only does it at home. he sits there and wets his pants, and does nothing. or comes and tells me he's wet his pants. and then does nothing. just stands there. (he also does this if he needs to go - comes and tels me he needs to go, then just stands there instead of actually GOING. is it too late to swap him for a new one?) he doesnt need to tell me!! just go to the loo already!!

i just dont get it. why doesnt he go to the toilet? why does he wet his pants and do nothing? does he not realise until its too late? its driving me bonkers.

and i dont know what to do, how to help, how to get him doing things right.

and now im getting distracted because spaceghost is kicking the computer and it feels really weird.

2 reactions:

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, imagine trying to toilet train a six year old (autistic) child! Those were fun (wet) times...


Sarah said...

while toilet training at 6 years would not be high on my list of fun things to try, i think i could handle it better if i knew there was a REASON whether that be autism, or a bladder defect or.. whatever. his seems to be sheer laziness.